Saturday, December 10, 2005

Recipe of the Week: Sauce tomates

A delicious and kind of spicy sauce, much more flavorful than the pasta and pizza sauces we're used to. It is eaten in relatively small quantities, usually with rice, but also can be used for cooking and frying plantains, potatoes, etc...

10 roma tomatoes
0.5 cp oil
1 onion
6 cloves garlic
ground/mashed condiments - some ginger, one stalk celery, handful of basil, handful of parsley
0.5 green pepper
salt, Maggi cubes (tomato and stock flavor) for taste
water (and optional: tomato paste)

1. cut tomatoes, onion, garlic, condiments, and grind them together
2. heat oil in the base of a thick pan
3. fry the ground mix in the oil for about 10 minutes
4. add salt and Maggi cubes
5. add water (and tomato paste, if desired), until the consistency of pizza sauce

eat with rice! yum.


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